MMCOG had the Annual CEO Info Session 2019, on 3rd April, at Hokkaido Hall Level 1, of Tokio Marine Tower. The event which started at 2.00 pm, was attended by more than 350 staff.
Highlights of the session include business performance for year 2018 and future outlook of MMCOG for 2019, In particular was highlights related to our vision “to be the leading total engineering & project services company” and the planned improvements on career progression for the companies personnel, training, efficiency in database, innovation and striving towards digitalisation for the years ahead.

In conjunction with the CEO session, a few awards were also given in recognition to employee and employee children.
The first was the Student Excellence Award. This award was given in recognition of employee’s children who have achieved academic excellence results. The second was the Award for Employee Suggestion Scheme (ESS) Portal, followed by Long Service Award 2016, 2017 & 2018 and the finale being the CEO Excellent Award 2017/2018 were given to outstanding personnel.
For the CEO Excellence Awards under Zamrud category, recipients were:
- Azlina Bt Md Shamsuddin (Executive in Finance Department)
- Muhammad Farid (Executive QHSE)
- Mohd Hafizzie Bin Ramli (Head of Planning & Project Control)
- Mohd Khalil Bin Abdul Kadir (Sr. Engineer 3, Structural Engineering from Kertih Office)
For the category of CEO Berlian Excellence Award, recipients were:
- Sabihah Binti Talib (Assistant General Manager of Contracts & Procurement)
- Norazlin Bin Abdul Aziz (Assistant Manager of Finance)
CONGRATULATIONS to all awards recipients!

The session ended with and an hour-long Q&A session and discussion on concerns with respect to digital transformation across the organisation, challenges and opportunities facing the industry today and in the future.