Project Details
MMC Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn. Bhd was awarded with the conceptual and detailed engineering design contract of the Terengganu Crude Oil Terminal (TCOT) Produced Water System Upgrade Project for Petra Resources Sdn. Bhd. under ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Malaysia Inc [EMEPMI] CECS 1 contract. This project plan is to procure gas floatation skid for TCOT PWSU project.
Period: 3/2004 – 12/2005
Weight: N/A
The Terengganu Crude Oil Terminal (TCOT) is located near Kerteh on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The terminal processes crude oil from EMEPMI and PCSB operated field located offshore Peninsular Malaysia for export via crude tankers. TCOT was originally constructed in the early 1980s and was designed to produce 240kbd of stabilized crude containing 0.5% Basic Sediment and Water (BS&W).
The produced water system upgrade project is to be implemented under two phase in order to meet a minimum acceptable produced water discharged level of 40ppm free oil in water content with the intention of consistently performing at 20ppm or less. Phase 1 entails the installation of facilities to enable operation of the Skim Tank with the existing produced water treatment facilities. Phase 2 involves the installation of the IGF vessel and associated equipment, after which the existing produced water facilities, shall be used as back up only.
Facilities Description
· Design blanket gas system for new system.
· Perform capacity check to meet new requirements and sensitivity analysis.
· Evaluate firewater coverage for new equipment.
· Design firewater piping to ensure sufficient coverage.
· Assess current system ( Electrical power system ).
· Facilities electrical tie-in for the system
Scope of Work (Conceptual Engineering Design)
The produced water system upgrade must be capable of meeting the following design criteria:
· Continuous produced water throughput of 35kbd
· Peak produced water throughput of 70kbd for up to 4 hours
· Skim Tank inlet free oil in water concentrations of 1000 to 2000ppm with surges of up to 4000 ppm Vessel outlet total oil-in-water concentrations of 40ppm maximum at any given time, and 20 ppm or; less on average (i.e using gravimetric measurement method).
· Fully closed gas blanketed system
· San removal system to cater for 100mg/l
· Provision (tie-ins-space) for future < 10ppm effluent water quality.
· Conversion of existing PWTS to surface water treatment facility and emergency back-up
Scope of Work (Detail Engineering Design)
· To perform on-site laboratory design, develop technical definition and preparation of equipment specifications for all materials required for the project.
· To develop an Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) bid quality package for surge tank T-2511. The bid quality package shall be completed and delivered upon completion of Design Basis Memorandum (DBM) and Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to be used as the basis for bidding of Surge Tank T-2511 fabrication contract.
· To perform detailed design and develop a bid quality package for the TCOT Produce Water System Upgrade project. The bid quality package shall be completed and delivered to EMEPMI to be used as the basis of TCOT Produced Water System Upgrade fabrication contract.
· Develop technical definition and preparation of equipment specifications for long lead materials and equipment.
- Client ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Malaysia Inc
- Project Location Kerteh on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
- Project Duration 3/2004 - 12/2005