Project Details
The overall design capacity for Kumang field is at 550 MMscfd, with an export condensate at 17,000 stbd, with a 10% upward peaking margin. Operating pressure is set at 2100psig at F9KG-A CPP.
F9KG-A CPP is designed for full fledged facilities comprising of condensate/gas separation system, gas compression system, gas dehydration system, telecomm system, power generation, compact manifolds, metering system, CI system, helipad, etc). F9JT-A wellhead is bridged linked to F9KG-A CPP.
Both KUJT-A and KAJT-A wellheads are designed as for minimum facilities comprising of compact manifolds, small-scale power generation, etc). A helipad is provided at the KUJT-A and KAJT-A due to it’s distance from F9GK-A CPP at 70km and 50km respectively.
Project Location | : | Kumang Cluster fields consists of F9KG-A CPP, F9JT-A wellhead, Kumang (KUJT-A) wellhead and Kanowit (KAJT-A) wellhead. The Kumang field is located approximately 200km from the MLNG plant offshore Bintulu, Sarawak. The water depth is ranges between 60m to 100m. |
Scope of work undertaken by MMC O&G | : | The Kumang Cluster field development (FDP) consists of 2 phases. Phase 1 FDP consist of F9, Kumang and Kanowit fields; while Phase 2 FDP consist of A3, F11, F22, F27, F12, Selar Marine and Bunga Pelaga fields. The project scope covers only the Phase 1 development, and includes the intrapipelines to MLNG-2/3 |
Project Duration | : | Award date 24 July 2006 & Completion 13 October 2006 Project Integrated Review (9 weeks after award)Final Design Package (12 weeks after award) |
F9KG-A CPP F9JT-A satellite KUJT-A & KAJT-A AJT-A |
: | total lifting weight approx 8,580 MT (topsides) total lifting weight approx 6,080 MT (jacket) total lifting weight approx 1,060 MT (topsides) total lifting weight approx 3,890 MT (jacket) total lifting weight approx 1,350 MT each (topsides) total lifting weight approx 1,380 MT each (jacket) |
- Project Location Offshore Bintulu, Sarawak
- Project Duration 4 months