Project Details
The project by Esso Production Malaysia Inc. (EPMI) now known as EXXON-MOBIL Exploration and Production ( M) Inc involved major modifications to the existing IBA facilities was completed in eight months, from February 2001 to September 2001.
Period: 2/2001 – 9/2001
Weight: N/A
Irong Barat A (IBA) is a manned central processing platform located about 250 km from the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia in a water depth of 64 meters. The existing platform has 18 development wells drilled from a well bay nominally sized for 32 slots. First production from IBA was in 1983. Expansion of platform compression facilities was required to accommodate higher production rates from the new wells drilled in an earlier redevelopment scheme and also from nearby new satellite platforms.
MMC Oil & Gas Engineering (MMC O&G) was awarded the project by Esso Production Malaysia Inc. (EPMI) now known as EXXON-MOBIL Exploration and Production ( M) Inc The scope of work involved major modifications to the existing IBA facilities which include:
- Installation of two stage centrifugal turbo compressor skid
- Installation of compressor train suction, inter-stage scrubbers and discharge coolers
- Installation of third turbo generator
- Installation of glycol dehydration contractor and regeneration skid
- Installation of HVAC unit
- Structural strengthening and modifications
- Piping modifications
- Instrumentation and Control Systems upgrade
- Installation of new switch gear and motor control center
The major project milestones include Phase 2 design review, Constructibility review, HAZOP, IDDA and IFC. The quality system was undertaken in full compliance to MS: ISO 9001 with internal audits conducted and witnessed by EPMI representatives. All findings were documented and closed out. The construction package was completed in eight months, from February 2001 to September 2001. 74,000 man-hours were spent for the detailed design and 3,000 man-hours were utilized for the construction support work. A total of 1,800 drawings were issued at IFC stage. All drawings were developed using AutoCAD except for parts that utilized the photogrammetry technology to develop the PDMS model.
Scale Model of Irong Barat a compression
- Client EXXON-MOBIL Exploration and Production ( M) Inc
- Project Location 250 km from the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
- Project Duration 2/2001 - 9/2001