Project Details
For the Murphy Sarawak Oil project, MMCOG carried out FEED for existing SA-PA platform. Works include:
– Cost effective structural design for additional three new conductors.
– New topside deck extension, bridge linked to existing SAPA Wellhead Platform.
– Three new 36-inch conductors with cost effective substructure concept.
Engineering studies for SA-PA Ullage Analysis. Production plan findings include:
– Oil, Gas, Produced Water and Injection Rates within SAPA handling capacity, no upgrades anticipated
– SAPA designed to handle 18,000 bopd of crude production, 10,000 bwpd of produced water & 12.7 MMscfd gas
– Spikes in produced water and gas rate will be handled selectively by choking down well with high water cut/GOR to ensure production within limit.
– PRPA produced water is knocked out at PRPA before export to SAPA.
- Client Malaysia Marine Heavy Engineering
- Project Location Malaysia
- Project Duration 11 months (completed Sep 2017)
- Project No. MSO-A-2683