Project Details
MMCOG as the main contractor provided engineering services to Murphy Sarawak Oil Co. Ltd for marginal gas development in Block SK309 and SK311, offshore Bintulu, Sarawak. The SK Phase 3 Gas Development comprised of non-associated gas (NAG) development from South Acis, Wangsa and the East Cluster fields comprising the East Patricia, Tiram and Sapih fields.
The latter fields are located to the east of the major PCSB / Shell operated trunk pipelines and are planned to be developed as one project to capitalize on the economies of scale and to reduce overall development cost. This document covers the FEED scope of work for the East Cluster fields i.e. East Patricia, Tiram and Sapih fields under SK Phase 3 Gas Development.
Scope of Work
MMCOG as the main contractor covered the scope of work as described under the following main work breakdown structures:
• Design Management
• Basis of Design and Concept Drawings (based from Wangsa)
• Assistance for Preliminary Cost Estimates
• Basic Design Production Plan
• On-going review and challenge session
• Design Management
• Basic Design Work Pack
• Tender Package
• Final Cost Estimates
• Produced Final FEED Documents
- Client Murphy Sarawak Oil
- Project Location Malaysia
- Project Duration 4 Months (Completed on Feb 2015)
- Project No. MURPHY-A-2373U