Project Details
The Bintulu Onshore Receiving Facilities (BORF) is designed to receive, compress, dehydrate and chill saturated gas from three offshore fields, Golok (Golok Barat and Golok Central), Serampang and Merapuh. The gas contains relatively small amounts of condensate and water at the facility inlet as the bulk of the liquids have been removed offshore. The DCQ (Daily Contract Quantity) for the BORF is 250 MMscfd, with an export MDQ (Maximum Design Quantity) of 360 MMscfd.
At the inlet to BORF the process gas / liquids stream will be separated in an Inlet Separator, The gas will be compressed before being routed to the TEG dehydration system. The compression section will consist of reciprocating machines. After the gas has been dried and chilled, it is exported to MLNG where it is metered via fiscal gas metering at the required maximum delivery pressure of 72 barg at MLNG-3 tie-in point
The liquids from the Inlet Separator and the separated condensate from Chilled Gas Separator are routed to a 3-phase LP Separator where condensate and water are separated. The condensate is sent to a degassing boot and then to the storage tank where it is dewatered and exported by pipeline to offshore. The produced water is sent to another storage tank and then to a water treatment facility before it is disposed off to an outfall via ocean outfall.
Project Location | : | Located onshore Bintulu, Sarawak at approximately 2km to the east of the existing MLNG-3 plant |
Scope of work undertaken by MMC O&G | : | Front End Engineering Design for Bintulu Onshore Receiving facilities from the Beach valves near MLNG-3 going into BORFand finally to the sales gas tie-in at the Gas Metering Station (GMS) at MLNG-3. The C&S activity was carried out by a 3rd party local consultant. |
Project Duration | : | Award date 5 July 2006 & Completion 27 October 2006Total project duration is originally planned at 16 weeks |
Weight | : | Not applicable for onshore project |
- Project Location Onshore Bintulu, Sarawak at approximately 2km to the east of the existing MLNG-3 plant
- Project Duration Award date 5 July 2006 & Completion 27 October 2006Total project duration is originally planned at 16 weeks